TheCommunicationExpert Corner's Blog

"Where Empowerment and Healing Resides!"

Archive for the month “June, 2012”

“What Will It Take?”

June 2012

 CONFESSION: “I, Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, do not like updating blogs, newsletters, etc. frequently”….

There, I’ve said it.

I have always been of the ‘oratory’ communicative sort, as my Mother states that I began ‘articulating’ by 2 years of age, was successfully named ‘Gabby Abby’ (it does not hurt as much now to admit) by my 2nd grade teacher, leading a ‘group of peers and older’ by the age of 9 and professionally speaking by 14. I’ve always enjoyed the liberty of verbal flow and verbosity.

Sure, I believe that I am an impressive writer, having conceived and written wonderful poems and passages in my journals since the age of 7, having contributed to articles and books of colleagues, even having written a ‘paperback book’ of my own {that  continues to receive much regard and usage by many psychologists, educators and leaders who teach and train others}; further, currently working on my 2nd amazing paperback, which by the way is taking me way too long….. but it’s in motion nonetheless. I’ve also authored Audio products, hosted my own Radio program (will do again soon) and have co-hosted and appeared on numerous others’ radio and television programs. I have spoken and performed hundreds of speeches for various audiences from corporate to educational, spiritual, women’s and men’s groups, in prisons to civic and social organizations in my life and career to this point. Been a #1 Sales professional throughout my career in industries from Pharmaceutical and Health Care to Consumer Products and Marketing and developed and trained many sales teams and persons to accomplish and reach their professional goals. I thoroughly enjoy and prefer immensely the ‘immediacy’ and energy of an interesting, dialectal conversation, via face to face or phone, despite our ‘technological social media advances’. Why?, you may ask–well, in my humble, expert opinion, I believe a face-to-face interaction and even phone conversation requires ‘more immediate brilliance’ .

Verbal communication’ is often ‘unscripted’ and unedited and is mostly ‘untraceable’ (unless recorded physically) expect in the heart and mind of the hearer. When a great conversation is experienced, it’s most captivating highlights are usually repeated orally and even mimicked, over and over again, giving it a longer life than the moment that has passed. Sure, I understand that the ‘written word’ has a longer shelf life and can be experienced by more persons in more places, but the intimacy of a conversation, the voice,the diction, the intonations, inflections, pauses, humor, laughter or even abrasion, sends strong energy to the human psyche, and prompts an instantaneous response!… Hmmmmmmmmm, delicious. I love a great conversation, like one desires a delicious meal, savoring every morsel, holding it in their mouths to detect the spices, texture and juices available and present in every bite; taking pause to comprehend what was just experienced on their palate, wanting to ‘go back in’, with precision and consciousness, knowing that this meal will come to an end with the last bite consumed…therefore slowing it down just a bit, although excited about the next possibility with the next bite, but not wanting to devour the remainder of the meal, without high regard and honor. Wow, a delicious conversation.

Conscious engagement takes energy , creativity and heart, this is what occurs in a conversation.

While amazingly Spring 2012 has already ‘sprung’ and Summer (Happy Summer!)2012 has opened its gates and  is upon us,  it’s yet a bit hard to believe that the year of 2012 is whizzing by without pause. There have already been so many events that have occurred and impacted our global, national and local landscapes, from countless life transitions(passing) of global icons from Don Cornelius to Whitney Houston, Etta James and Dick Clark to countless other unknowns, but yet no less valuable. Civil injustices from the senseless shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unharmed teen in Sanford, Florida by a vigilante unlisted ‘neighborhood watch’ person; to the senseless violence and murders in Chicago whose rate of violence has jumped an incredulous 60% since the start of 2012 compared to last year, by young adults who don’t value their own life, thereafter don’t see the value in preserving and maintaining another’s life! And more personally, just a few days prior to the completion of this blog, a childhood friend, whom I grew up in church with from infancy to early adulthood, who was just months older than I, losing her fight with Breast ‘C-Word’ and she was only in her 30’s !!  Death doesn’t have ‘age discrimination.  She lost her Mother to something of the same about 20 years ago while we were growing up, strangely enough, her Mother was perhaps only a few years older herself and left 6 children behind to discover living on their own, (as ‘Sug’ leaves behind a few children of her own-Too sad), yet, with the grace and assistance of God always. Although I haven’t even  physically seen ‘Sug’ in about 15 years, the proximity of the loss is no less shocking for me and forces me and all of our ‘childhood sisterhood’, to be conscious of our own nearing mortality. R.I.P. Yolanda (a.k.a. “Sug”) Wilson, I will always remember your internal ‘toughness’.

Thanks to “Sug’s” and all of the aforementioned amazing icon’s recent transitions, I commit to live every day forward, with greater intensity, to accept the ‘fullness’ of my calling and gifting as: A Change Agent, An Empowerer, A Spiritual Healer, A Transformational Servant Leader and Friend, ready to serve in the capacity God commands me to at any moment for the present need. A vessel, willing, ready and able to be utilized to serve the ‘highest and greatest good’!

This is ‘Who I Am’ and ‘Whom I Am Called To BE(come) even greater within this mantle.

What will it take for YOU my friend, to recognize and live your life more authentically, fully in your purpose?

*I know that my January Blog (last ‘formal blog’-Confession accepted) was extremely optimistic as are most New Year Blog’s, and perhaps you began this year with greater hopes and expectations of things being ‘immediately fulfilled’ in your life. Nevertheless, I want you to know that ‘it’s still in motion’, the best for you is coming and is in progress…however, what is required is the courage and faith, daily, to remain ‘present’ for it. There yet remains a need to live on and see what the next phase of this year and quarter, holds for your life.

Professionally we’ve been Empowering and ministering to some wonderful people and organizations this year. From corporations and educational institutions, to non-profits, women’s and special needs groups. In each event, I realize how uniquely talented, tailored-made and specifically created we each are for a purpose ‘greater than ourselves’ on this Earth, and further, how inter-connected we are and how much we need one another. One of the recent presentations I completed was for a ‘Special Needs’ group of ‘community leaders’, through a top Philadelphia based university. It was there that I realized how despite the ‘labels’ people and society place on others such as ‘intellectually challenged’ (it’s antiquated labeling that’s no longer politically correct is ‘mentally retarded’), uneducable, physically or behavioural challenged, have to be totally ‘blown out of the window’, because everyone has a learning capacity, it’s more about the extent of what I term one’s comprehension capacity!

These young adults were phenomenally engaged, challenging, witty, charming, conscious and extremely astute, not only comprehending everything that I was presenting and communicating on the topic of: “Empowerment through Community Service!”, but providing additional insights to myself and their colleagues, and never provoked me to ‘dumb down’ the conversation, but were in-step and aligned in every way. We completed Vision Boards that revealed the depth of their interest and in some instances many of their life experiences, that further amazed me. The most heartwarming responses, hugs and expressions were received and felt by them. I received a number of amazing evaluations, but over and over was repeated to me from the vast majority: “Ms. Moats, You Are The Best Speaker We EVER Had Come to Our Program! Thank YOU for Coming!!!”

Now you can imagine why my heart and emotions are yet so full and why I will never forget that special university group, they made me remember “My Why!” in my purpose.

I’m ecstatic about what’s ahead for the remainder of the year, both personally and professionally!


*YOU are the 1st to know, beginning every morning, Monday-Friday, 6:30AM EST, beginning July 16th 2012, there will be ‘daily empowerment’ with Abigail, The Communication Expert (Myself:}) with occasional visits from fellow friends and colleagues who inspire and empower others as well. Daily, Monday-Friday 6:30AM EST, you’ll be able to ‘dial in’ and receive morning words of inspiration and empowerment to strengthen and encourage YOU to face your day with courage and strength, by fortifying your mind.


Additionally, please ‘Save The Date’ of Saturday, September 29th, 2012 …it’s going to be powerful and spectacular, you’re not going to want to miss it!!! More details to follow soon, please connect with us here for via Social Media to keep up with me more frequently as I confessed ‘formal blogging’ like this is a challenge for Me, lol!

I love Twitter,140 words creates discipline for a ‘verbose’ person like myself, please click link to join me:

Also, please connect with on Facebook, where you can leave me your comments and thoughts as well there by clicking link:

*Thanks so much for remaining ‘connected’ with me!

We are available for bookings at: for your Church for Ministry Sermons and Leadership Training, Keynotes and Mistress of Ceremonies for Women’s Groups, Civic Organizations, Corporations or Individual Consulting to Empower YOU to articulate and communicate effectively your message with power and confidence to your target audience(s), achieving your vision everytime!

Simply go to the ‘Contact‘ Tab, fill out the ‘Booking Form’ and someone from our team will contact your organization within 48 business hours. We look forward to Empowering You and Your group soon!!

Meanwhile, please see a recent commencement speech of mine in entirety entitled: “Grappling For Significance!” here:

*We have many online and site updates coming soon, but please note currently that I have resources available for You that you can have mailed to you receive anywhere in the world by going to to our ‘Online Store’. A ‘must purchase and listen to’, is our latest project, an Audio CD entitled: 8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM)” is 75 minutes of phenomenal keys of wisdom and insight to tackle everyday life occurrences to business, professional and love advice that is being ‘raved’ about by all who have heard it now since its release! Here’s a quote from one of our latest supporters:

“Abigail, your Audio CD is so powerful, I’ve listened to it over and over again many times (at least 8) in my vehicle and my home. It has helped me so much in my professional communication with others, as well as my ministering. I highly recommend your CD and look forward to working with you in the near future for consulting and hearing and supporting your next project! Bless you. Sincerely, D. Derilus” New Jersey 

*Please let us know ‘your thoughts’ on all we’ve shared here by commenting ‘on this page’!

Until the ‘next blog’, live in and on purpose, being aware and accepting of ‘What It Takes’ for YOU to live your greatest life!

Peace and Love,

Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert:

 “Change Agent, Empowerer, Spiritual Healer, Transformational Servant Leader, Author and Friend”

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