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What Will You COMPLETE In 2012? Points Of Power To Consider.

The Communication Expert’s “2012 Points Of Power!!!”

Greetings Friends and Supporters, Welcome to A New Year 2012, with the chance of ‘ReNewing You’!!!
Many of you entered into this new year in a number of ways, i.e., parties and gatherings with friends, family, or on holiday in a fabulous locale; moreover, some of you opened the year more traditionally in a church setting, reflective, hope-filled and prayerful. Whatever matter, method or mode of celebratory activity you ushered your spirit into 2012, I pray you were surrounded by love and enveloped in peace knowing that whatever the circumstances, events or occurrences of the passing year, only shaped you and did not break you.
At the end of every year, I spend time in consecration with God, meditating, listening, discerning, waiting for insight to understand the lessons of the current, soon to be the past (previous year). Upon doing this ritual on the evening of December 31st, 2011, it was then that I received the following declaration:
In this year 2012:
“This will be the year of completing projects that have begun and proceeding with excellence in new ventures, ambitions, and visions. This year, 2012, will be a year of ‘seizing the moment’, having access to ‘closed places’, flourishing in endeavors as never before, clarity from the onset, (when obeyed and adhered to) will guarantee fewer errors and missteps.
Healthy Marriages, new and restored, covenant connections, partnerships and mergers. Old things being ‘fully dead’, never to be resurrected again, with new thing springing forth, that cannot be stopped, hindered, or removed. Victories that have been long awaited for and those that have manifested only in part, will come to full maturation and will be profitable and useful. The things that use to hurt, cripple and wound will be rendered powerless will be of none effect in your life any longer, beginning in 2012, saith The Lord!!!”
Upon receipt of this declaration and revelation, I immediately prayed over and processed this while in a ‘Watch Night Service’, where about 40 minutes later, heading toward midnight, just about 10 minutes before the cross over to the ‘New Year’, the pastor begin to ‘recount’ about a 1/3 of this very same insight!! Wow, that was the 1st start towards confirmation of this special declarative utterance. I then over the next day and half, heard statements and confessions from a several other sources and persons, via conversations and gatherings. I was certain that ‘the energy’ of 2012 was and will be vastly different.
Every day of this new year will be a new opportunity to see new and old things differently, to be decisive, clear, and focused on the objectives and pursuits that can ultimately propel you forward to living your greatest life and impacting ‘your audience’ that you are scheduled reach. Each of Us on Earth is divinely scheduled to make connections with a certain number of persons, some will be brief encounters, others will be seasonal, and some will be permanent and lasting. With the new ‘2011 World Census Count’ revealing that there are now at least ‘7 Billion’ persons on Earth and counting, each with ‘their uniquely given’ thumbprint, tongue print, vocal pattern and retina scan, how are You preparing to make you ‘impact’ upon your contacts with ‘your divinely given ones’? What will they glean from you, gain from you, implement post meeting your Spirit?
What will make this year different is not that you’ll receive a new body, new internal organs or your birth years on this earth will be ‘magically restored’ giving you 20 years of youth to reclaim, but that your MIND, (the muscle that can always be regenerated, strengthened, enlightened and restored despite your physicality), will become clearer, more resolute and fortified against the barriers of fear and doubt in the past that would often not only cripple or impede your progress. This previous failure to choose ‘MIND’ regeneration would in many instances stop you for moving, if only but ‘1 step’ closer towards your goals, dreams and visions! This year you must be conscious daily to ‘train your thinking’, to think higher, resisting the mind sabotaging thought patterns of even your recent past!!
This is why I am offering to you the following 2012 Points Of Power to consider and embrace, so that as the days that continue and follow in this year become weeks, months, quarters and eventually the ‘sum total’ and completion of yet another year, you will have these reminders of ‘The Why’ you must propel forward this year beyond any and all impediments and moments of uncertainty.
Point of Power #1. “You Only Have ‘This Moment’ to Complete This Phase”:
We at any day or time, only ‘own’ the present moment that we are within. The ‘next’ is never certain or guaranteed, heart attacks, seizures and other tragedies occur in split seconds, so it with great arrogance that we assume all things will remain constant. Can you think of anyone who is ‘not here’ in 2012 that was alive and present in 2011??… I am certain that you know of a few causalities, transitions and passing’s of friends, friends of friends, family members and loved ones. They perhaps all were hoping that they would write that book ‘next year’, take that vacation/excursion/world tour ‘next year’, start that business or non-profit within a ‘few years’, commit to that relationship ‘eventually’, mend that breech of family connection and communication ‘stand off’, take control of their health issues, poor dietary choices and lack of exercise ‘soon?’….all of these thought processes have a ‘starting point’, a now moment that once begun and entered into, has enough steam and energy to produce greater results and actually garners support. YOU must no longer say ‘next year’ or ‘one day’, because certainly you understand that the potential for completion of any project or course of action is greater ‘in motion’ and in progress, than for it to be stored and ‘hanging in abeyance’.
Only a few days into this new year of 2012 did I have a car accident returning from holiday with my family and loved ones. I went across the ever so challenging Pennsylvania Turnpike, which is known for its 300 plus miles of ‘close cornered’, mostly 2-laned highway, that is interlaced between the most mammoth mountains and plentiful peaks and plains. The stretch of highway that I was traveling on January 3rd, became quickly and richly snow-covered ahead of any salt trucks or highway safety persons being able to contain its robust showering; in turn, I slid across the 2 lanes, spun around about 3 times to crash sideways (against the only alternative from the descending mountains on my right), into the fortified concrete wall of the turnpike, to end up facing in the direction of the oncoming traffic. While spinning uncontrollably in my vehicle, my thoughts were: “Okay, am I really dying, I just received my 2012 declarations and ‘orders to implement’?!?” It was post my being assisted to total safety with vehicle damage, but no broken bones or missing limbs moments later, that I concluded: “I Must ACT NOW and Often!!!” This surprising incident so soon into the new year confirmed that I must act on ‘the fierce urgency of NOW‘ as our current President Barack Obama states. I as a result am conscious now of every thought, daily intention set and acting as if ‘this were the last moment’ I could be found ‘acting’ on the vision, objectives set forth and aware of my desired outcomes, being even more determined to not relent or ‘give up’, until I see the level of progress my heart desires and my Spirit requires.
It’s not ‘how you start’, but that you started in order to ‘complete’ something! It is okay to plan, prepare and lay out a course of action, yet, it is most important and critical that You Take ACTION NOW!!! Let’s move!!
Point of Power #2. “You Must Accept That Everything Is Changing, Therefore You Must”:
If there is one thing the economic climatic changes globally over the past few years have revealed to us, is that change is inevitable, unavoidable, and that when your paradigm shifts, you can only ‘act’ so long as if everything is the same, before the previous garrisons of protection that used to surround you, that are now thoroughly decaying and perhaps eroded so that you are now exposed in ways you’ve never experienced. Oftentimes, there is no instruction manual or mapping to follow this ‘change’ that was certainly not elected by you to enter into, but often we are bombarded, forced, demanded upon or catastrophically pushed into change. When change, (which is constant in some form always, please see our previous blog: “Connect, Communicate, Create“), occurs drastically, you cannot go backwards to what you knew previously, because it no longer exists in the original state in which you came to know it, if it in fact remains at all. You have to mentally train your thinking and actions to adjust to the obvious loss. The loss of a home due to a fire, the loss of a spouse via a divorce, a loss of a loved one through a death, the loss of a job due to the company closing its doors, all require a shift in thinking, expectations, behaviors and certainly actions. How do you move forward? Recover? Re-engage?… You must do it moment by moment. This reality check supports ‘P.O.P #1’ (above), if you try to over plan, overextend, overcompensate for your changes that in some instances were purely uncontrollable by you, you must discover what ‘yet remains’ within you in
Point of Power #3. “You Must Work Towards Excellence and Not Be Constricted By Being ‘Perfect’ “:
Oftentimes people don’t complete the projects that they begin because they are overly obsessed with ‘perfection’.
Perfection is defined as:
per·fec·tion/pərˈfekSHən/ Noun: The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.
Please note that none of our ‘human efforts’ will ever be ‘totally free from all possible flaws’, because humans are not totally free from the possibility of making errors in business, relationships or life as a whole. Perfection is a futile, vain ideology of many deemed as ‘perfectionist’ who are often exhausted and trapped within ‘their own heads’, because there will always be things that we would have ‘preferred’ to occur or have been present when we decided to ‘take action’, but if you wait for all conditions to be optimal and perfect, you will never act. Avoid the crippling effects of ‘analysis paralysis’ this year.
A safer, holistic approach to getting things done and making impact in this year 2012, is to celebrate your ‘starting points’, follow-up, follow-thrus on your word, intentions, commitments and most importantly completion of the tasks set forth with as much accuracy and truth as is possible and available to you. This is certain to encourage YOU to ‘get started’. Some of us believe that if we don’t immediately have all the money that we desire, the resources, the connections of people or persons with a considerable amount of influence, that our efforts and talents are not valid enough to be considered or significant enough to be promoted, celebrated or acted upon. YOU must realize that everything that ever became GREAT had a start or a beginning, and that if YOU never get started, you’ll never have something to complete.
My favorite reference book, The Bible, states in Zechariah 4: 10: “Do not despise the day of small beginnings…”
It’s time to stop making excuses and blaming others and invariable conditions for the reasons you decided not to move forward on your visions, dreams, plans and prayers, you have to begin to see your responsibility in the situation, because the vision was granted to YOU and not the other person you’d rather ‘hide behind’ and displace the blame upon. It is better to strive towards ‘Excellence’ in all that you do, because this is measurable, contains the ability to make corrections without immediately placing blame or shame upon the doer of participants and allows a ‘window’ of space and grace to do things even better the next time around; whereas ‘being perfect’ always, demands no room for error or room for growth and does not take into consideration the inevitable changes that occur and sometimes necessary adjustments that must be made once beginning a new project, task or when setting an objective.
Once you begin to ‘launch forward’, you will be amazed by the resources, energy and support you will garner from the universe supporting YOU with one of the Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion (Physics): “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Friend, YOU must take ACTION NOW, Let’s Get Started!!!
Point of Power #4. “Be Kind To YourSelf First”:
Being the ‘Communication Expert’, I also teach and state to my audiences that ‘words have energy’! They elicit a reaction of some kind once released from your mouth to the atmosphere. I also teach about the Communication dynamic of ‘white noise’, the internal noise and chatter within your mind that you are rehearsing and hearing within your Spirit at any unscheduled moment. This ‘white noise’, often is reflective of the thoughts and ideas you most believe about yourself and are on readily accessible though a term I declare as ‘easy recall’. Therefore, I purport: “Be kind to yourself 1st, because Your Spirit hears your thoughts, always 1st!”(TM)
When you become kinder to yourself, you become more patient and accepting of yourself, which will in turn cause you to become more patient and accepting of others. Your flaws, imperfections and ‘areas of opportunity (TM)’, (my signature term that connotes the places you most need to grow and develop in), once acknowledged by you, will allow you to begin to see that it’s sometimes the very thing or aspect that you criticize in others. Honesty, authenticity, truth and kindness should be your ‘life’s mantras’, pursuit and method of engagement with other human beings, who much like you are trying to discover their purpose for being on this EARTH and the lessons they are required to learn, master and share from during their space here within it. This is why it will be critical to properly “train your thinking”!
2012 will provide many opportunities for YOU and me to implement these “Points Of Power”. The individual growth, revelation and the ‘knowingness’ of these truths will be manifested in how you act on them. You must take note that you may not always ‘get it right’ the first time, but that you are willing to forgive yourSelf, take action, implement, complete and begin again, until what the ‘original vision’ given to your Spirit, begins to align itself, take shape, form, development, manifestation and ultimately maturation. This will only be because you started to be able to complete….something. I’ll be here, in my space, working on my areas of growth and strength alongside you, looking for ‘our opportunities’ to connect, collaborate, compliment, support and grow deeper with you. I look forward to ‘doing life’ and Accessing and Releasing GREATNESS(TM) w. You, my friend, my colleague, my supporter, my fellow ‘Earth Mate’.
*Please share this blog with your colleagues, friends and family, as well as provide us your feedback, thoughts, opinions and suggestions regarding these “2012 Points Of Power”! We have a number of upcoming events within this year and will begin to share those over the next few weeks and months, feel free to join our mailing list to ‘remain connected’ at:
With Continued Love, Peace, Abundance and Blessings To You On This Journey of Life,
Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert
*Please note that I have resources available for You that you can have sent to you receive anywhere in the world by going to to our ‘Online Store’. A ‘must get and hear’, is our latest project, an Audio CD entitled: 8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM)” is 75 minutes of phenomenal keys of wisdom and insight to tackle everyday life occurrences to business, professional and love advice that is being ‘raved’ about by all who have heard it now since its new release! Here’s a quote from one of our latest supporters:
“Abigail, Your audio CD: “8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM)” was so powerful and relevant to situations I’ve experienced beginning in my childhood that I as an adult and top professional and business owner am working through to this day. Thank You for sharing your wisdom, psychological and professional knowledge and your experiences with us! I recommend this CD to persons from age 16 (my youngest son’s age) to 99, it touches all phases of life in between! Continued Success!”
E. Gordon, Insurance Professional, NJ
Our paperback: “Communicate With Power In Life, Love and Business To Access Your Greatness! (TM)”, continues to yield testimonials of success, inspiration and empowerment. If you are a professional or entrepreneur who desires Individual Consulting or a member of a civic, social, professional organization of church who needs a Keynote speaker, Leadership or Sales Trainer or MC or Moderator for your next event, please go to and complete our ‘Contact’ page to reserve Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, Professional Speaker, Author, Leadership, Sales and Business Trainer and Human Developer.
*QA Enterprises, LLC and Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, look forward to servicing You and your organizations event soon!
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