TheCommunicationExpert Corner's Blog

"Where Empowerment and Healing Resides!"

“Why Not In The Private-Space?”

From marches to protests, revolutions to movements, from voting rights to equal rights from the boardroom to the pulpit with equal pay requested in every sector in-between, from improved health care demands including early detection and better screening to reproductive and sexual expression…WOMEN, galvanize, conceive, congregate, come together, cry, demand, plan and pray, for ‘answers’, rights, logic and acceptance and are largely responsible or ‘blamed’, for causing, creating or undergirding every movement that has occurred since the beginning of creation. WOMEN are powerful and potent.

The Holy Bible (of which I believe as my ‘manual for living’ and inspiration), {beginning in Genesis where the ‘infamous’ 1st woman ‘Eve’ first makes her grand debut and controversial grand stand}, commands a Woman, to ‘submit to her own husband, as unto the Lord’, and to display varying levels of modesty, respect and consideration, but Why?;  however, remains the immediate question always proceeding this debate and discussion that almost always leave a woman, puzzled, uncertain, insecure and bewildered and often has a Man trying to ‘maintain the reins’ of order, civility and a sense of strong leadership. Women, are by nature strong and often (as ordained to be), the most beautiful and spectacular of the creations. Women conceive human life within their very bodies/wombs and give birth to these babies through arduous, often difficult and often near death experiences. Losing blood, vital nutrients internally to sometimes hair, teeth and having their bodies externally shift in such a drastic way through weight gain and edema. Women’s internal organs must be opened largely enough during the birthing process, in order to push on average up to a 10 lb. (in dramatic cases up to 14 lbs.) human life/baby with even multiple births within moments of one another, thereafter having their ‘internal organs’ changed forever, to surviving this miraculous life-giving labor process that can sometimes go up to 2 full days!

This mind-blowing and miraculous process of birth, occurs every second somewhere throughout the world! Moments post this event, these Women, who have now ‘increased their status and title’ to ‘mother‘, have the ability to physically feed (with this same body) and later raise these children, provide discipline, education, values, mores or codes of ethics to adhere to. Sometimes the rearing and raising of  this ‘new child’/ these new children, occurs with the Man that provided the sperm seed who may or may not be her husband, yet in much of this modern world from the United States to indigenous and indigent cultures and populations throughout the world, there are nearly 70% of some female segment populations, raising their children on their own. Factors such as race and cultural challenges, poverty, a lack of education, domestic violence to homicidal violence and senseless world-wars and factions, even further, unfortunately, choices of divorce, never marrying, or even in some extreme modern cases (willful surrogate’s), often ‘steals’ these husbands, men, partners and seeds, leaving many Women alone to raise these children that required two parts for fertilization and conception. Other Women, who have not given birth to a baby, assist many women in raising theirs through adoptions and supportive actions, other women give birth to their visions and dreams, and often need much assistance as this too requires a ‘lengthy and challenging’ delivery process as well!

With all of our ‘freedoms’ fought for, acquired and achieved, and Women being educated at higher levels than ever before– assuming positions in higher levels from the government to the boardroom, starting 1 out of every 5 new businesses in the world, but yet having so much further to go, as equal pay for equal work has not yet been fully realized, as well as the continual debates and fights by men (who cannot have a child naturally), over the reproductive rights, access to certain health care procedures and cures, to understanding the ‘role’ of a woman in the home when a Man remains present, there are many things that remain that need to be ‘worked out’. Nevertheless, Women have the ability to relate to and understand another Woman, in a way that a Man could never do. We love our Men: Fathers, Brothers,Uncles,Husbands and Supportive Men Friends, as they give us greater confidence as Women and remind of our beauty, ability to love, and gives Us someone to  share, give to and exchange our uniqueness with in our relationships with them. All the more, Women need to be reinforced often that the experiences that they have, i.e.,  from ‘monthly physical irritations every 28 days or so’, that sometimes alters their emotional dispositions to at later dates in women’s lives of menopause and physical changes in their bodies, to trying to always ‘act perfect(ly)’, when it comes to raising children, maintaining all plates of home, family, work and/or business and spiritual commitments, there is a need to know that ‘you are not alone’ in these necessary life balancing attempts.

That’s why friendships, partnerships, support efforts and coalitions amongst women remain necessary, but all the more reason that the seemingly ‘ever rearing’ ugliness of jealousies, competitions, in-fighting, sometimes malicious and vicious ‘mean girl’ syndromes and ‘cliques’ from television typecast, embarrassing ‘reality  shows’, to school-girl rivals and classism, the way that women continue to treat or better stated ‘mistreat’ one another continuously, must be challenged, resisted and overcome at all costs, because Women often suffer the most and therefore need one another the most, to continue to pray, protest, galvanize and grow together. THESE rampant, aforementioned occurences, are just some of the reason(s) I was overwhelmingly impacted, to create and host on Friday Night, October 12th, 2012 from 9PM-2AM, the upcoming, life-shifting event: Ladies Night IN Empowerment Party 2012!” whose  2012 Theme:“LADIES Laugh, Love, Hurt, Heal, Pray & Connect (TM)!!!”

This event will take place in center city Philadelphia, at the Center For Architecture, and include some amazing events from a Fashion Show to Food, from Make-up Artists to Authors, from Line-Dancing to Belly Dancing, from Confessions to Promises, with Empowerment from powerhouses like Terrie M. Williams, legendary PR Agent to “Hollywood A-Lister’s such as Eddie Murphy, Russell Simmons to Will Smith and Puff-Daddy”, turned Mental Health Advocate and NY Times critically acclaimed” author of  books such as Black Pain: It Just Looks Like We’re Not Hurting!”, to founder, author and empowerer, Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, sharing, imparting and empowering with a powerful panel discussion of Women, who are top-professionals to political and civic leaders to successful entrepreneurs, mothers and wives, that will tell ‘how they make it’, thrive and survive despite the inevitable challenges of life, womanhood and in some instances motherhood and wifedom. Women are going to congregate and converge at this: “Ladies Night IN Empowerment Party 2012!” in Philadelphia, PA and will leave empowered, inspired, refreshed and re-fueled, reminded and focused, on why and how, they must continue to ‘Live Their Greatest Lives!” and gain support, new-friendships, partnerships, venture partners, and  wonderful connections that may turn into life-remaining confidantes, to make all of this ‘great-living’ a reality!

YOU,as a deserving Woman, Sister, Mother, Aunt, Co-worker and Excellent SisterFriend should REGISTER Today at: . Vending Spaces yet remain (although limited) for creative wares, artists, authors and business offerings, and Early Registration goes through September 15th for both and we want YOU to Register Today to guarantee your place in the amazing space!

“Spectacular!”, “Awesome!”, “Beautiful and Life-Shifting!”;  will be ony a few of the words and sentiment that will describe the visual and experience, as Women in Cocktail Dresses and After 5 Gowns arrive and appear within the fabulous venue space, ready to receive, share and connect, on Friday Night, October 12th, 2012 from 9PM-2AM’s : ! Register Today!

We look forward to ‘Connecting’ and ‘Creating’ with YOU Women, who are Ladies who deserve The Best because we give so much to the world everyday!

See more here:

Remain connected with us here:


QA Enterprises, LLC (Visionary)

Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, Founder

“What Will It Take?”

June 2012

 CONFESSION: “I, Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, do not like updating blogs, newsletters, etc. frequently”….

There, I’ve said it.

I have always been of the ‘oratory’ communicative sort, as my Mother states that I began ‘articulating’ by 2 years of age, was successfully named ‘Gabby Abby’ (it does not hurt as much now to admit) by my 2nd grade teacher, leading a ‘group of peers and older’ by the age of 9 and professionally speaking by 14. I’ve always enjoyed the liberty of verbal flow and verbosity.

Sure, I believe that I am an impressive writer, having conceived and written wonderful poems and passages in my journals since the age of 7, having contributed to articles and books of colleagues, even having written a ‘paperback book’ of my own {that  continues to receive much regard and usage by many psychologists, educators and leaders who teach and train others}; further, currently working on my 2nd amazing paperback, which by the way is taking me way too long….. but it’s in motion nonetheless. I’ve also authored Audio products, hosted my own Radio program (will do again soon) and have co-hosted and appeared on numerous others’ radio and television programs. I have spoken and performed hundreds of speeches for various audiences from corporate to educational, spiritual, women’s and men’s groups, in prisons to civic and social organizations in my life and career to this point. Been a #1 Sales professional throughout my career in industries from Pharmaceutical and Health Care to Consumer Products and Marketing and developed and trained many sales teams and persons to accomplish and reach their professional goals. I thoroughly enjoy and prefer immensely the ‘immediacy’ and energy of an interesting, dialectal conversation, via face to face or phone, despite our ‘technological social media advances’. Why?, you may ask–well, in my humble, expert opinion, I believe a face-to-face interaction and even phone conversation requires ‘more immediate brilliance’ .

Verbal communication’ is often ‘unscripted’ and unedited and is mostly ‘untraceable’ (unless recorded physically) expect in the heart and mind of the hearer. When a great conversation is experienced, it’s most captivating highlights are usually repeated orally and even mimicked, over and over again, giving it a longer life than the moment that has passed. Sure, I understand that the ‘written word’ has a longer shelf life and can be experienced by more persons in more places, but the intimacy of a conversation, the voice,the diction, the intonations, inflections, pauses, humor, laughter or even abrasion, sends strong energy to the human psyche, and prompts an instantaneous response!… Hmmmmmmmmm, delicious. I love a great conversation, like one desires a delicious meal, savoring every morsel, holding it in their mouths to detect the spices, texture and juices available and present in every bite; taking pause to comprehend what was just experienced on their palate, wanting to ‘go back in’, with precision and consciousness, knowing that this meal will come to an end with the last bite consumed…therefore slowing it down just a bit, although excited about the next possibility with the next bite, but not wanting to devour the remainder of the meal, without high regard and honor. Wow, a delicious conversation.

Conscious engagement takes energy , creativity and heart, this is what occurs in a conversation.

While amazingly Spring 2012 has already ‘sprung’ and Summer (Happy Summer!)2012 has opened its gates and  is upon us,  it’s yet a bit hard to believe that the year of 2012 is whizzing by without pause. There have already been so many events that have occurred and impacted our global, national and local landscapes, from countless life transitions(passing) of global icons from Don Cornelius to Whitney Houston, Etta James and Dick Clark to countless other unknowns, but yet no less valuable. Civil injustices from the senseless shooting of Trayvon Martin, an unharmed teen in Sanford, Florida by a vigilante unlisted ‘neighborhood watch’ person; to the senseless violence and murders in Chicago whose rate of violence has jumped an incredulous 60% since the start of 2012 compared to last year, by young adults who don’t value their own life, thereafter don’t see the value in preserving and maintaining another’s life! And more personally, just a few days prior to the completion of this blog, a childhood friend, whom I grew up in church with from infancy to early adulthood, who was just months older than I, losing her fight with Breast ‘C-Word’ and she was only in her 30’s !!  Death doesn’t have ‘age discrimination.  She lost her Mother to something of the same about 20 years ago while we were growing up, strangely enough, her Mother was perhaps only a few years older herself and left 6 children behind to discover living on their own, (as ‘Sug’ leaves behind a few children of her own-Too sad), yet, with the grace and assistance of God always. Although I haven’t even  physically seen ‘Sug’ in about 15 years, the proximity of the loss is no less shocking for me and forces me and all of our ‘childhood sisterhood’, to be conscious of our own nearing mortality. R.I.P. Yolanda (a.k.a. “Sug”) Wilson, I will always remember your internal ‘toughness’.

Thanks to “Sug’s” and all of the aforementioned amazing icon’s recent transitions, I commit to live every day forward, with greater intensity, to accept the ‘fullness’ of my calling and gifting as: A Change Agent, An Empowerer, A Spiritual Healer, A Transformational Servant Leader and Friend, ready to serve in the capacity God commands me to at any moment for the present need. A vessel, willing, ready and able to be utilized to serve the ‘highest and greatest good’!

This is ‘Who I Am’ and ‘Whom I Am Called To BE(come) even greater within this mantle.

What will it take for YOU my friend, to recognize and live your life more authentically, fully in your purpose?

*I know that my January Blog (last ‘formal blog’-Confession accepted) was extremely optimistic as are most New Year Blog’s, and perhaps you began this year with greater hopes and expectations of things being ‘immediately fulfilled’ in your life. Nevertheless, I want you to know that ‘it’s still in motion’, the best for you is coming and is in progress…however, what is required is the courage and faith, daily, to remain ‘present’ for it. There yet remains a need to live on and see what the next phase of this year and quarter, holds for your life.

Professionally we’ve been Empowering and ministering to some wonderful people and organizations this year. From corporations and educational institutions, to non-profits, women’s and special needs groups. In each event, I realize how uniquely talented, tailored-made and specifically created we each are for a purpose ‘greater than ourselves’ on this Earth, and further, how inter-connected we are and how much we need one another. One of the recent presentations I completed was for a ‘Special Needs’ group of ‘community leaders’, through a top Philadelphia based university. It was there that I realized how despite the ‘labels’ people and society place on others such as ‘intellectually challenged’ (it’s antiquated labeling that’s no longer politically correct is ‘mentally retarded’), uneducable, physically or behavioural challenged, have to be totally ‘blown out of the window’, because everyone has a learning capacity, it’s more about the extent of what I term one’s comprehension capacity!

These young adults were phenomenally engaged, challenging, witty, charming, conscious and extremely astute, not only comprehending everything that I was presenting and communicating on the topic of: “Empowerment through Community Service!”, but providing additional insights to myself and their colleagues, and never provoked me to ‘dumb down’ the conversation, but were in-step and aligned in every way. We completed Vision Boards that revealed the depth of their interest and in some instances many of their life experiences, that further amazed me. The most heartwarming responses, hugs and expressions were received and felt by them. I received a number of amazing evaluations, but over and over was repeated to me from the vast majority: “Ms. Moats, You Are The Best Speaker We EVER Had Come to Our Program! Thank YOU for Coming!!!”

Now you can imagine why my heart and emotions are yet so full and why I will never forget that special university group, they made me remember “My Why!” in my purpose.

I’m ecstatic about what’s ahead for the remainder of the year, both personally and professionally!


*YOU are the 1st to know, beginning every morning, Monday-Friday, 6:30AM EST, beginning July 16th 2012, there will be ‘daily empowerment’ with Abigail, The Communication Expert (Myself:}) with occasional visits from fellow friends and colleagues who inspire and empower others as well. Daily, Monday-Friday 6:30AM EST, you’ll be able to ‘dial in’ and receive morning words of inspiration and empowerment to strengthen and encourage YOU to face your day with courage and strength, by fortifying your mind.


Additionally, please ‘Save The Date’ of Saturday, September 29th, 2012 …it’s going to be powerful and spectacular, you’re not going to want to miss it!!! More details to follow soon, please connect with us here for via Social Media to keep up with me more frequently as I confessed ‘formal blogging’ like this is a challenge for Me, lol!

I love Twitter,140 words creates discipline for a ‘verbose’ person like myself, please click link to join me:

Also, please connect with on Facebook, where you can leave me your comments and thoughts as well there by clicking link:

*Thanks so much for remaining ‘connected’ with me!

We are available for bookings at: for your Church for Ministry Sermons and Leadership Training, Keynotes and Mistress of Ceremonies for Women’s Groups, Civic Organizations, Corporations or Individual Consulting to Empower YOU to articulate and communicate effectively your message with power and confidence to your target audience(s), achieving your vision everytime!

Simply go to the ‘Contact‘ Tab, fill out the ‘Booking Form’ and someone from our team will contact your organization within 48 business hours. We look forward to Empowering You and Your group soon!!

Meanwhile, please see a recent commencement speech of mine in entirety entitled: “Grappling For Significance!” here:

*We have many online and site updates coming soon, but please note currently that I have resources available for You that you can have mailed to you receive anywhere in the world by going to to our ‘Online Store’. A ‘must purchase and listen to’, is our latest project, an Audio CD entitled: 8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM)” is 75 minutes of phenomenal keys of wisdom and insight to tackle everyday life occurrences to business, professional and love advice that is being ‘raved’ about by all who have heard it now since its release! Here’s a quote from one of our latest supporters:

“Abigail, your Audio CD is so powerful, I’ve listened to it over and over again many times (at least 8) in my vehicle and my home. It has helped me so much in my professional communication with others, as well as my ministering. I highly recommend your CD and look forward to working with you in the near future for consulting and hearing and supporting your next project! Bless you. Sincerely, D. Derilus” New Jersey 

*Please let us know ‘your thoughts’ on all we’ve shared here by commenting ‘on this page’!

Until the ‘next blog’, live in and on purpose, being aware and accepting of ‘What It Takes’ for YOU to live your greatest life!

Peace and Love,

Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert:

 “Change Agent, Empowerer, Spiritual Healer, Transformational Servant Leader, Author and Friend”

What Will You COMPLETE In 2012? Points Of Power To Consider.

The Communication Expert’s “2012 Points Of Power!!!”

Greetings Friends and Supporters, Welcome to A New Year 2012, with the chance of ‘ReNewing You’!!!
Many of you entered into this new year in a number of ways, i.e., parties and gatherings with friends, family, or on holiday in a fabulous locale; moreover, some of you opened the year more traditionally in a church setting, reflective, hope-filled and prayerful. Whatever matter, method or mode of celebratory activity you ushered your spirit into 2012, I pray you were surrounded by love and enveloped in peace knowing that whatever the circumstances, events or occurrences of the passing year, only shaped you and did not break you.
At the end of every year, I spend time in consecration with God, meditating, listening, discerning, waiting for insight to understand the lessons of the current, soon to be the past (previous year). Upon doing this ritual on the evening of December 31st, 2011, it was then that I received the following declaration:
In this year 2012:
“This will be the year of completing projects that have begun and proceeding with excellence in new ventures, ambitions, and visions. This year, 2012, will be a year of ‘seizing the moment’, having access to ‘closed places’, flourishing in endeavors as never before, clarity from the onset, (when obeyed and adhered to) will guarantee fewer errors and missteps.
Healthy Marriages, new and restored, covenant connections, partnerships and mergers. Old things being ‘fully dead’, never to be resurrected again, with new thing springing forth, that cannot be stopped, hindered, or removed. Victories that have been long awaited for and those that have manifested only in part, will come to full maturation and will be profitable and useful. The things that use to hurt, cripple and wound will be rendered powerless will be of none effect in your life any longer, beginning in 2012, saith The Lord!!!”
Upon receipt of this declaration and revelation, I immediately prayed over and processed this while in a ‘Watch Night Service’, where about 40 minutes later, heading toward midnight, just about 10 minutes before the cross over to the ‘New Year’, the pastor begin to ‘recount’ about a 1/3 of this very same insight!! Wow, that was the 1st start towards confirmation of this special declarative utterance. I then over the next day and half, heard statements and confessions from a several other sources and persons, via conversations and gatherings. I was certain that ‘the energy’ of 2012 was and will be vastly different.
Every day of this new year will be a new opportunity to see new and old things differently, to be decisive, clear, and focused on the objectives and pursuits that can ultimately propel you forward to living your greatest life and impacting ‘your audience’ that you are scheduled reach. Each of Us on Earth is divinely scheduled to make connections with a certain number of persons, some will be brief encounters, others will be seasonal, and some will be permanent and lasting. With the new ‘2011 World Census Count’ revealing that there are now at least ‘7 Billion’ persons on Earth and counting, each with ‘their uniquely given’ thumbprint, tongue print, vocal pattern and retina scan, how are You preparing to make you ‘impact’ upon your contacts with ‘your divinely given ones’? What will they glean from you, gain from you, implement post meeting your Spirit?
What will make this year different is not that you’ll receive a new body, new internal organs or your birth years on this earth will be ‘magically restored’ giving you 20 years of youth to reclaim, but that your MIND, (the muscle that can always be regenerated, strengthened, enlightened and restored despite your physicality), will become clearer, more resolute and fortified against the barriers of fear and doubt in the past that would often not only cripple or impede your progress. This previous failure to choose ‘MIND’ regeneration would in many instances stop you for moving, if only but ‘1 step’ closer towards your goals, dreams and visions! This year you must be conscious daily to ‘train your thinking’, to think higher, resisting the mind sabotaging thought patterns of even your recent past!!
This is why I am offering to you the following 2012 Points Of Power to consider and embrace, so that as the days that continue and follow in this year become weeks, months, quarters and eventually the ‘sum total’ and completion of yet another year, you will have these reminders of ‘The Why’ you must propel forward this year beyond any and all impediments and moments of uncertainty.
Point of Power #1. “You Only Have ‘This Moment’ to Complete This Phase”:
We at any day or time, only ‘own’ the present moment that we are within. The ‘next’ is never certain or guaranteed, heart attacks, seizures and other tragedies occur in split seconds, so it with great arrogance that we assume all things will remain constant. Can you think of anyone who is ‘not here’ in 2012 that was alive and present in 2011??… I am certain that you know of a few causalities, transitions and passing’s of friends, friends of friends, family members and loved ones. They perhaps all were hoping that they would write that book ‘next year’, take that vacation/excursion/world tour ‘next year’, start that business or non-profit within a ‘few years’, commit to that relationship ‘eventually’, mend that breech of family connection and communication ‘stand off’, take control of their health issues, poor dietary choices and lack of exercise ‘soon?’….all of these thought processes have a ‘starting point’, a now moment that once begun and entered into, has enough steam and energy to produce greater results and actually garners support. YOU must no longer say ‘next year’ or ‘one day’, because certainly you understand that the potential for completion of any project or course of action is greater ‘in motion’ and in progress, than for it to be stored and ‘hanging in abeyance’.
Only a few days into this new year of 2012 did I have a car accident returning from holiday with my family and loved ones. I went across the ever so challenging Pennsylvania Turnpike, which is known for its 300 plus miles of ‘close cornered’, mostly 2-laned highway, that is interlaced between the most mammoth mountains and plentiful peaks and plains. The stretch of highway that I was traveling on January 3rd, became quickly and richly snow-covered ahead of any salt trucks or highway safety persons being able to contain its robust showering; in turn, I slid across the 2 lanes, spun around about 3 times to crash sideways (against the only alternative from the descending mountains on my right), into the fortified concrete wall of the turnpike, to end up facing in the direction of the oncoming traffic. While spinning uncontrollably in my vehicle, my thoughts were: “Okay, am I really dying, I just received my 2012 declarations and ‘orders to implement’?!?” It was post my being assisted to total safety with vehicle damage, but no broken bones or missing limbs moments later, that I concluded: “I Must ACT NOW and Often!!!” This surprising incident so soon into the new year confirmed that I must act on ‘the fierce urgency of NOW‘ as our current President Barack Obama states. I as a result am conscious now of every thought, daily intention set and acting as if ‘this were the last moment’ I could be found ‘acting’ on the vision, objectives set forth and aware of my desired outcomes, being even more determined to not relent or ‘give up’, until I see the level of progress my heart desires and my Spirit requires.
It’s not ‘how you start’, but that you started in order to ‘complete’ something! It is okay to plan, prepare and lay out a course of action, yet, it is most important and critical that You Take ACTION NOW!!! Let’s move!!
Point of Power #2. “You Must Accept That Everything Is Changing, Therefore You Must”:
If there is one thing the economic climatic changes globally over the past few years have revealed to us, is that change is inevitable, unavoidable, and that when your paradigm shifts, you can only ‘act’ so long as if everything is the same, before the previous garrisons of protection that used to surround you, that are now thoroughly decaying and perhaps eroded so that you are now exposed in ways you’ve never experienced. Oftentimes, there is no instruction manual or mapping to follow this ‘change’ that was certainly not elected by you to enter into, but often we are bombarded, forced, demanded upon or catastrophically pushed into change. When change, (which is constant in some form always, please see our previous blog: “Connect, Communicate, Create“), occurs drastically, you cannot go backwards to what you knew previously, because it no longer exists in the original state in which you came to know it, if it in fact remains at all. You have to mentally train your thinking and actions to adjust to the obvious loss. The loss of a home due to a fire, the loss of a spouse via a divorce, a loss of a loved one through a death, the loss of a job due to the company closing its doors, all require a shift in thinking, expectations, behaviors and certainly actions. How do you move forward? Recover? Re-engage?… You must do it moment by moment. This reality check supports ‘P.O.P #1’ (above), if you try to over plan, overextend, overcompensate for your changes that in some instances were purely uncontrollable by you, you must discover what ‘yet remains’ within you in
Point of Power #3. “You Must Work Towards Excellence and Not Be Constricted By Being ‘Perfect’ “:
Oftentimes people don’t complete the projects that they begin because they are overly obsessed with ‘perfection’.
Perfection is defined as:
per·fec·tion/pərˈfekSHən/ Noun: The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects.
Please note that none of our ‘human efforts’ will ever be ‘totally free from all possible flaws’, because humans are not totally free from the possibility of making errors in business, relationships or life as a whole. Perfection is a futile, vain ideology of many deemed as ‘perfectionist’ who are often exhausted and trapped within ‘their own heads’, because there will always be things that we would have ‘preferred’ to occur or have been present when we decided to ‘take action’, but if you wait for all conditions to be optimal and perfect, you will never act. Avoid the crippling effects of ‘analysis paralysis’ this year.
A safer, holistic approach to getting things done and making impact in this year 2012, is to celebrate your ‘starting points’, follow-up, follow-thrus on your word, intentions, commitments and most importantly completion of the tasks set forth with as much accuracy and truth as is possible and available to you. This is certain to encourage YOU to ‘get started’. Some of us believe that if we don’t immediately have all the money that we desire, the resources, the connections of people or persons with a considerable amount of influence, that our efforts and talents are not valid enough to be considered or significant enough to be promoted, celebrated or acted upon. YOU must realize that everything that ever became GREAT had a start or a beginning, and that if YOU never get started, you’ll never have something to complete.
My favorite reference book, The Bible, states in Zechariah 4: 10: “Do not despise the day of small beginnings…”
It’s time to stop making excuses and blaming others and invariable conditions for the reasons you decided not to move forward on your visions, dreams, plans and prayers, you have to begin to see your responsibility in the situation, because the vision was granted to YOU and not the other person you’d rather ‘hide behind’ and displace the blame upon. It is better to strive towards ‘Excellence’ in all that you do, because this is measurable, contains the ability to make corrections without immediately placing blame or shame upon the doer of participants and allows a ‘window’ of space and grace to do things even better the next time around; whereas ‘being perfect’ always, demands no room for error or room for growth and does not take into consideration the inevitable changes that occur and sometimes necessary adjustments that must be made once beginning a new project, task or when setting an objective.
Once you begin to ‘launch forward’, you will be amazed by the resources, energy and support you will garner from the universe supporting YOU with one of the Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion (Physics): “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Friend, YOU must take ACTION NOW, Let’s Get Started!!!
Point of Power #4. “Be Kind To YourSelf First”:
Being the ‘Communication Expert’, I also teach and state to my audiences that ‘words have energy’! They elicit a reaction of some kind once released from your mouth to the atmosphere. I also teach about the Communication dynamic of ‘white noise’, the internal noise and chatter within your mind that you are rehearsing and hearing within your Spirit at any unscheduled moment. This ‘white noise’, often is reflective of the thoughts and ideas you most believe about yourself and are on readily accessible though a term I declare as ‘easy recall’. Therefore, I purport: “Be kind to yourself 1st, because Your Spirit hears your thoughts, always 1st!”(TM)
When you become kinder to yourself, you become more patient and accepting of yourself, which will in turn cause you to become more patient and accepting of others. Your flaws, imperfections and ‘areas of opportunity (TM)’, (my signature term that connotes the places you most need to grow and develop in), once acknowledged by you, will allow you to begin to see that it’s sometimes the very thing or aspect that you criticize in others. Honesty, authenticity, truth and kindness should be your ‘life’s mantras’, pursuit and method of engagement with other human beings, who much like you are trying to discover their purpose for being on this EARTH and the lessons they are required to learn, master and share from during their space here within it. This is why it will be critical to properly “train your thinking”!
2012 will provide many opportunities for YOU and me to implement these “Points Of Power”. The individual growth, revelation and the ‘knowingness’ of these truths will be manifested in how you act on them. You must take note that you may not always ‘get it right’ the first time, but that you are willing to forgive yourSelf, take action, implement, complete and begin again, until what the ‘original vision’ given to your Spirit, begins to align itself, take shape, form, development, manifestation and ultimately maturation. This will only be because you started to be able to complete….something. I’ll be here, in my space, working on my areas of growth and strength alongside you, looking for ‘our opportunities’ to connect, collaborate, compliment, support and grow deeper with you. I look forward to ‘doing life’ and Accessing and Releasing GREATNESS(TM) w. You, my friend, my colleague, my supporter, my fellow ‘Earth Mate’.
*Please share this blog with your colleagues, friends and family, as well as provide us your feedback, thoughts, opinions and suggestions regarding these “2012 Points Of Power”! We have a number of upcoming events within this year and will begin to share those over the next few weeks and months, feel free to join our mailing list to ‘remain connected’ at:
With Continued Love, Peace, Abundance and Blessings To You On This Journey of Life,
Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert
*Please note that I have resources available for You that you can have sent to you receive anywhere in the world by going to to our ‘Online Store’. A ‘must get and hear’, is our latest project, an Audio CD entitled: 8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM)” is 75 minutes of phenomenal keys of wisdom and insight to tackle everyday life occurrences to business, professional and love advice that is being ‘raved’ about by all who have heard it now since its new release! Here’s a quote from one of our latest supporters:
“Abigail, Your audio CD: “8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM)” was so powerful and relevant to situations I’ve experienced beginning in my childhood that I as an adult and top professional and business owner am working through to this day. Thank You for sharing your wisdom, psychological and professional knowledge and your experiences with us! I recommend this CD to persons from age 16 (my youngest son’s age) to 99, it touches all phases of life in between! Continued Success!”
E. Gordon, Insurance Professional, NJ
Our paperback: “Communicate With Power In Life, Love and Business To Access Your Greatness! (TM)”, continues to yield testimonials of success, inspiration and empowerment. If you are a professional or entrepreneur who desires Individual Consulting or a member of a civic, social, professional organization of church who needs a Keynote speaker, Leadership or Sales Trainer or MC or Moderator for your next event, please go to and complete our ‘Contact’ page to reserve Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, Professional Speaker, Author, Leadership, Sales and Business Trainer and Human Developer.
*QA Enterprises, LLC and Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert, look forward to servicing You and your organizations event soon!
Please stay connected to us on any of the following:
Facebook (Please ‘like’ our Page):

Let’s CONNECT,COMMUNICATE and CREATE Together 10.14-10.15,2011!!!


Hello Supporters and Friends,

There are so many events, energies and occurrences that are simultaneously being experienced in the cosmos currently, some amazing, some shocking, some transitional, some functional, but almost all necessary. Change is inevitable. Anything that does not change, ‘is already dead’. The Body is changing moment to moment, i.e.,  aging on a  molecular, cellular and metamorphic level, changes that cannot be ceased, despite technological advances in skin care,creams, bio and lipo surgeries and pharmaceuticals. There will be a ‘never ending war’ with Man and Nature for dominance and control, but even in that ‘warfare’, there can be a moderate ceasefire, when Man begins to cooperate with Nature and begins to learn the power of ‘Connecting to, Communicating ‘with’ and Creating within’, the space and time on Earth that has been provided each individual in the universe by God and allows Us the option and opportunity to flow within it and to become our greatest human selves, with our Spiritual core being our Co-Creative guide.

There is a ‘picture’ I believe that all of us born into the world,that live for any length of time, are scheduled to ‘paint and create’ on Earth. You cannot relegate this sculpture to the  ‘number of years on Earth’,because so many children die young (preceding their parents), but come making significant contributions and leaving indelible impressions and marks on ‘our Spirits’ and our hearts. Children have begun and ‘launched’ so many foundations fighting and rallying against terminal causes from Leukemia to Aids, to fighting Juvenile Diabetes and childhood obesity to becoming authors and business builders and even millionaires by their early pre-teen years. These children were able at their young ages, to ‘show up in the world’ and in a very little time ‘make some major,loud and lasting noise’, that was heard by the environments and audiences they were scheduled to reach! Children are born into the world, courageous, curious, unafraid and ready to CONNECT, COMMUNICATE and CREATE! Before a child is ‘knowingly’ exposed extensively to environments and media that are critical, negative and challenging, children don’t focus on lack or comparatives,they are usually focused on ‘creating the image or picture’ in their minds, hearts and spirits, that readily seem tangible,accessible, possible–doable, and they succeed.

So what happens between childhood and adulthood, that has adults that are 30,40 and 50 + years of age saying ‘I don’t know My Purpose here on Earth?’ and children becoming even more productive than adults and even their parents???… FEAR. FEAR, shows up, and not only does it ‘show up’, it begins to ‘get louder’, bolder, braissier and even more aggressive than the courage that was ‘laying in wait’ to be responded to and accessed. People do more in their lives from a perspective and paradigm of Fear and loss, than from Love,Power, or Productivity,the greatest creative energies available on Earth. Their actions are either ‘just a enough’ to not get eliminated,fired,divorced or ‘openly rejected’, but it never comes from a place of Peace and true heart. Is that YOU? Do You need to remember and be reminded of how to re-CONNECT to Your Spirit? You were born Spirit and natural, your Spirit is that indomitable part of you that no matter how your ‘knee got bruised’, your ankle broken, leg amputated, your skin or flesh burned or injured, you continued, pummeled through the pain and came out victorious, despite your physicality being altered or diminished. That is the incredibleness of the Human Spirit!! Most people have ‘stopped connecting to and COMMUNICATING w/ IT’ and live daily, hoping for ‘the lottery’, their boss or the person they most resent or don’t forgive to die or work the most basic job just to keep the lights on and bills paid and have ceased to hope, dream,plan, imagine or CREATE. Let us support your ‘Life Comeback’ and re-enGagement at “The Can We Talk?!? National Empowerment Tour (TM)”!

I, ‘The Communication Expert’ am a Professional Speaker, Author, Leadership and Sales Trainer and Human Developer and have been speaking professionally since a very young teen, teaching people to “Understand, Then Communicate Their Unique Value Proposition To The World!”(TM), so now being in my mid-30’s, I can state that in my over 20 + years of speaking to audiences nationally in varying environments {from educational to corporate to social, civic, professional organizations and churches}, from young children in kindergarten to teens and young adults, professionals and entrepreneurs in early and advanced stages of their careers to having strong ties and relationship with seniors and elders that are 80+ years of age, I can see and say definitively that there are some ‘life changes’ that change and alter the ‘self-perspective’ of individuals from childhood to adulthood to their senior years. If a person allows ‘the inevitable life circumstances’ that occur to rob all of their curiosity, courageousness, faith, divinity and humanity, they end up cynical, ‘internally clogged’, emotionally dull and just end up ‘reactive’ in the Earth, where they were destined to co-create, produce and contribute significantly TO and WITHIN. This vicious cycle of ‘giving up’ their dreams, ‘divine pictures’ and visions, in exchange for mere functionality,must be challenged. If the person is willing, if but for a moment, to get quiet, still, focused and bring their ‘whole self’ to the meeting of ‘their destiny’, they will discover that no matter what circumstances that have happened to them and thru them, that if they are ‘yet alive’ with pulse, reasonable health and consciousness, possessing that divine ‘thumbprint, tongue-print or voice print that no one else out of ‘6.8 Billion people in the world and counting'(TM) have, that it is yet a chance to ‘respond to that picture’, that image on your soul. Granted as we age, our images get bigger, sharper, clearer, but, you’ve got to get in ‘the practice and habit’ of listening and responding to the first pictures, putting them down, making them visible, tangible, active things before you can ‘refine or sharpen the image’… on October 14th-October 15th, 2011, ‘the picture’ that I was divinely given over a 3 night series of dreams that I thought were initially just ‘odd occurrences’ because my ‘pictures’ to that point in my life had always shown up while I was awake via visions,  but that ‘dream’, became a manifested, tangible thing just 8 weeks later, and was named “The Can We Talk?!? National Empowerment Tour (TM)”, October, 2008, and will occur again 2011.

This ‘picture’ that I was given, was created to assist, empower and help others lives, as is most ‘divine dreams and pictures’ given, they usually involve you being the catalyst for the ‘start of change’, but will rally the connected and supportive energy of others who are divinely called to ‘CONNECT, COMMUNICATE and CREATE‘ with You!

I am a conduit for God’s light, energy and plans to become manifested in the Earth that require my unique talents, skills and given abilities, as are YOU!  On that weekend of the 3rd Anniversary Celebration of “The Can We Talk?!? National Empowerment Tour (TM) and 1st INTENSIVE, Friday, October 14th- Saturday, October 15th, 2011, various persons will travel locally, regionally and nationally to join their creative talent, skills, unique abilities and energies and will synergistically share in a life-transforming and intentional occurrence. We do skills and gifts analysis and testing, vision board creation, and many ‘actively engaging’, creativity inducing and producing events. Whether you are a thought or civic leader who wants to be ‘refreshed’ and strengthened, a tenured professional seeking to strengthen relational and professional associations with like-minded persons, or a new entrepreneur desiring to ‘get new ideas’ for branding, marketing or new customers/clients, The Can We Talk?!? National Empowerment Tour INTENSIVE(TM) is for YOU!!! Please, Register NOW at: to ensure ‘your positioning’ is right and that you’re able to be present to receive, share and exchange! Capacity is limited due to the workshop-style format. If you’re a Business Owner who wants to highlight their company’s products or services that are available for purchase or consumption nationally, consider purchasing a Full Page Color (8 1/2 x 11) or Half Page Color (8 1/2 x 5) Ad, in our Program Souvenir Booklet, whether you can ‘physically’ be present or not by sending an email to and stating your interest in rates. GROUP Discount Tables and Half Tables are available as well. REGISTER NOW at: to ensure your not ‘left dormant’ again and can be reinvigorated to ‘try again’, believe again, DO again! We love you and our Team and I cannot wait to ‘CONNECT, COMMUNICATE and CREATE‘ with You!

*Please, know that I have resources available for You that you can have sent to you receive anywhere in the world by going to to our ‘Online Store’. Our latest project, an Audio CD entitled: “8 Keys Of Communication Wisdom To Win In Every Life Situation! For Leaders and Learners(TM) is 75 minutes of phenomenal keys of wisdom and insight to tackle everyday life occurrences to business, professional and love advice that is already being ‘raved’ about in its first few weeks of release as well as our paperback: “Communicate With Power In Life,Love and Business To Access Your Greatness!”, continues to yield testimonials of success, inspiration and empowerment. If you are a professional or entrepreneur who desires Individual Consulting or a member of a civic, social,professional organization of church who needs a Keynote speaker, Leadership or Sales Trainer or MC or Moderator for your next event, please go to and complete our ‘Contact’ page.

*We look forward to seeing You at  “The Can We Talk?!? National Empowerment Tour INTENSIVE(TM)” Friday, October 14th- Saturday, October 15th, 2011 (1 day or 2 day options available) or another QA Enterprises,LLC event soon!

Please stay connected to us on any of the following:

Facebook (Please ‘like’ our Page):


*What Is Your State?

Hello Friends and Supporter,

Do Your Core Beliefs Represent Your LifeStyle, Your Choices,Your Actions? When We Understand The Purpose Of Our Lives, When Can Operate From TRUTH. There Are ‘Many Facts’, Figures and Opinions, That Change Depending On ‘Whose Reporting’ , But Only One ‘Absolute TRUTH’-which Is Our SPIRITUAL COMPASS.

We Will Never Please EveryOne, But What Is ‘YOUR CENTER’ Or Your ‘Life BluePrint’ You Operate From,In Your Home,Work,Your Relationships? Is Your ‘Absolute TRUTH’/Spiritual Compass Being Supported,Sustained and Maintained In Your Actions and Decisions???

Seek Peace and Clarity,Once You’ve Submitted Your Spirit To ‘Quietness’ To Hear The Message That YOUR SPIRIT, (Which Is Given By God), Wants To Communicate And Share With You. Don’t Resist The ‘Quiet Revelation’. There will always be ‘Noise’ and ‘Disruption’ in our World, but where You can control Your Environment=YOU, You Must Take Authority Over in order to understand Your Power and Dominion. God Created Us to have Dominion and Rule over Territories, Things and even Influence on Others. But WE Cannot Take Dominion or Authority over what we’ve been ordained to Impact, even Our Lives,Spirit and Decisions If We do Not Maintain or Reflect a state of Balance.

Balance Is A State Of ‘Some-thing’ or ‘Some-One’ That Is Continuously Harmonious, Even, Measured, Thorough, and Tempered.

Continued, ‘Un-Settledness and Dishelvement’, Means that there is A Portion Of  ‘Some-Thing’  In Our Lives, that ts Off-Kilter and that is Impacting the ‘Stabilization Of The Whole’. When Our Issues are Left Unchecked and Un-Resolved For Too Long, They begin to Poison and Filter Through The Portions That Were At One Point Maintained and Stabilized.

 WE Want To Achieve The Greatest Balance In Every Of Our Lives,Body,Mind,Soul and SPIRIT,Therefore,WE Must Commit To ‘Doing The Work’=DAILY!!! It’s Usually NOT A ‘One and Done’ Event, But A Daily ‘Decision Of The Will’ As I Call It. Submit Your HEART To The TRUTH That Is ‘Untainted’ By Varying Men’s Opinions, But To The TRUTH That Is Consistent,Unwavering,Unshakeable,Unchangeable. That ABSOLUTE TRUTH For Me, Is GOD & And More Specifically ‘The Holy Spirit’. Our Spirituality,When Allowed To Operate In ITs Highest Thru US By Our Own Volition and Submission, Is Able To Override Our Clumsiness and Instability and Bring US Peace,Comfort,Love, Joy and Meekness, Which Are FRUITS Of The SPIRIT. What Does “THE FRUIT” Of Your SPIRIT Manifest Like On A Daily Basis??? Uncertain? Confused? Check Your CORE.

If Confusion Dominates Your Mind,Check What Your Spirit Is ASKING YOU…WE Are ‘Speaking Spirits’ That Are Always Communicating,What’s YOUR MESSAGE To The World? “A Double Minded Man Is Unstable In ALL His Ways” James 1:8 Selah. Your SPIRIT Wants PEACE For YOU, Do YOU Too Want IT??? EVERYTHING That WE Can Control, Is A Result Of Our CHOICES Or Our Willful Response To The Circumstances and Situations We Could Not Orchestrate. ASK For The Balance In Prayer,Meditation and Quiet And Obey The Instructions You HEAR, They Will ‘High and Purpose-FULL’, NOT Fleshly,Selfish or Vain.YOU Will KNOW That It’s A SPIRITUAL Leading GREATER THAN YOU,But, NEEDS YOU To ‘Carry It Out’ In Your Body,Your Life and Your Choices!
WE Appreciate YOUR Time (For Reading This), The Sharing YOUR ENERGY,Love and Support For US!!!
Be Most Blessed,Strengthened & Courageous,Operating From A Place Of Peace and Love THIS DAY!

*If You Would, Please Support Our Facebook “LIKE PAGE” By Going To and Clicking On The Facebook Icon “F” OR and Joining Us There or Please Connect w.Us On Twitter At:

QA Enterprises, LLC  & The Communication Expert

*Please,Seek Out The SUPPORT YOU Need.WE Can’t Do Business or GREATNESS On Our Own!!!

In Conversing and Meeting with one of my Business Mentors recently, I was ‘Refreshed’ and Strengthened to become apprised of some of their early challenges,struggles and events that nearly destroyed their life and nearly made their business obsolete, that Today, is a multi-million dollar revenue generating and operating business. They had to overcome their ‘learning vacuums’ and be open to ‘self-correction’, greater self-discipline and editing, overcoming their initial challenges, financial and relational, to maintain their business and GROW, both Professionally and Personally. It was ‘eye opening’, because in this competitive landscape of business and life, some people won’t tell You their ‘struggles’, they only want You to be Impressed with their Current Success and Status. If not careful,it will make You believe that your current situation is impassable and will invoke thoughts of fear and relinquishment of a true Passion and Vision that You know in your heart is Your Life’s Work and Contribution to The World.

You,I, We, must always open ourselves up to people who will be ‘Open to Us’. Everyone won’t, but Someone WILL,Help You,Groom You,Train and Encourage You. The appropriate time will manifest the assistance and Mentorship You Need, when YOU least expect it and need it the most. God already knows what it will take for YOU in Your Business and Life to reach your targeted goals,dreams,aspirations and plans.* You must not become frustrated or discouraged by people who are or seem to be experiencing ‘more success’ than you. “Your Time” is unique, defined and will be ‘Relevant’ to the Audience and People that Your are ‘Scheduled To Impact’. YOUR Audience will be THERE’ when YOU Arrive. So,’Buckle Up On Your Faith’ and ‘Strengthen Your Patience with YOURSELF’!!! Believe that the Visions,Dreams,Gifts,Talents and Abilities You Possess, are Valuable,Meaningful and GOD Driven, so that YOU Won’t MISS YOUR TIME, Because Remember, It Will Be YOUR TIME!!!!

*NEVER Stop LEARNING, Or become too impressed with ‘Your Current Status’ that You fail to realize, You Never Can!
Don’t Forsake The Ability ‘To LEARN’ From Many Sources. Learning Is Continuous and Ever Evolving. That Is why Your Life Expectancy is 75+ and Not ’21’, because EVERYDAY on Earth, You are scheduled have ‘new learnings’, ‘new revelations’ and ‘new experiences’. Their Are Many Types Of Learning: Experiential,Observational and Educational.
*What are You Reading? Watching? Experiencing? What Do You Value?
I am are Grateful For The Lessons Learned Through My Parents, My Spiritual Advisors, My Friends,My Mentors, both Professional and Personal, as well as the lessons that I Could Not Escape from Learning in My Own Life, on My Journey and am yet discovering.

In growing Your Business, SEEK OUT Mentors Who Will Share ‘TRUTH’ w. You,That Will Support & Share From The Heart.
Have A More Patience with YourSelf and Understand that WE Can’t Operate Successfully ‘In A vacuum’, WE NEED ONE ANOTHER, Because Our GREATNESS,Involves The Whole of US!!!
*Remember To Do Everything From A Reference of Unconditional LOVE, because That’s Where ABUNDANCE MANIFESTS and MULTIPLIES!

LOVE YOU ALL, Thanks For ‘Stopping By Our Corner Today’:} *Please Stay Tuned To Us,GREATER THINGS COMING!!!

QA Enterprises,LLC & Abigail Moats, The Communication Expert

For Bookings, Consultations Or Any Other Communication and Empowerment Needs, Please Reach Out To Us At:

*People: Your Greatest Blessing and Your Greatest Challenge,Which Side Must You Measure Most?

People are necessary.

In fact, there are about 6.8 Billion People in the World (and counting) with their own unique thumb-print, voice print and retina-scan, that, with the exception of God’s cosmic operations, (i.e. Sunrise,Sunset, Changing Seasons,Water, Wind,Rain,Fire and Earth and Universal Rotations), are the catalyst for how relationships, communities,societies and nations are formed, populated, governed and structured and through and by whom work is accomplished and done. People can produce for You: businesses,products,goods, services and industries bringing efficiency, meeting needs, utilizing the ‘power of their free will’, to do good and good works, yielding pleasure, giving consideration, extending or exchanging kindnesses and bringing benefit to those who are the recipients and beneficiaries of the exercise of their volition and ‘free will’. It is that God-given volition that creates the most profound dynamic in People, because at times, when People are operating in a ‘focused direction’ with the desire for the same outcomes or results, the harmonious and choral power of that focused energy is beautiful, symphonic, even melodic. However, when there are differences of opinions, poor communication or articulation of the purpose and objective of the group or organization, inflated super-egos or the need for Individualism against a group dynamic, there is a cacophony of discord that is often shrieking to the ears and disruptive to the flow of positive energy that is usually the initial opportunity when any one group joins together sans their biases.

Whatever Your Gift, Calling,Life’s Work, Assignment or Mission here on Earth is, whether local, national or universal, “IT” was given to You, but NOT to be accomplished or completed by YOU alone…WE must include the People in the fulfillment of ‘The Purpose’ who have been uniquely equipped to assist Us in making that dream,vision,purpose or intention realized. There are People in the world who have and will be placed in Your Pathway as your vision, purpose, assignment unfolds, that have ‘what You & Your Assignment Needs’ to be accomplished with excellence and produce the intended result. The phases of  ‘The Assignment’ will reveal the people with the level of skill necessary for the success of that phase. As You grow, learn, produce and heighten your awareness, ‘Your Skill Level’, wisdom and ‘know-how’  improves, summoning and attracting to You a ‘higher caliber’ of skilled persons, with the ‘know- how’ for that Next Dimension in your life and will ultimately produce a greater result, revealing to You greater insight of what you’re capable of. The quality of the outcome of any project is in direct correlation to the People involved in the project and their ability to produce at their capacity. Not every person will know how to entreat us at first, nor have our best interest at heart at all times. There will always be oppositional energies that either try to cause us to falter or give up on our vision when they cannot see it or resent the fact that they cannot see the same greatness and tenacity within themselves, but these People too have meaning, as they cause us as a result, to become stronger and often more resolute in reaching our goals and visions. There will be someone else in your ‘Next Assignment’ who’s waiting for You to realize Who You Are and gain clarity on What You’re Supposed to Accomplish so that ‘They May Assist You’!

It is through our trials,errors, corrections and disappointments with People, that We learn who We Are. People reveal to Us who we are because our way of relating to one another, which is our ‘relationships’, telling of our tolerance, patience, compassion, humility, ability to forgive or our lack thereof. We almost always want to disconnect with People or a person when we’ve been hurt, disappointed or injured, yet we have the intrinsic need to go share that pain and disappointment with another person or connect with new People to feel safe again.  God, in my opinion, is interesting in that we come into this world with the capacity and energy to function as separate entities, but we are most fulfilled and complete when we are serving, connecting to, communicating with and discovering who others are and the ways that we are similar and the things and desire we have in common. We have an intrinsic need to connect with People. Throughout and since the beginning of Time, there has been a dynamic of A Leader supported by a group of People. Everyone cannot be ‘The Leader’, nor can ‘The Leader’ exist without People to lead or support and execute ‘The Assignment’ he or she has been given to complete. The Bible even makes hundreds of references to Leaders treating People justly and People justly following the Leader to whom has been given authority or influence over them. People are designed to give and share of their energy, skills,talent and possessions to be viable in life. There is a scripture in Luke 6:38  that states: “Give, and it shall be given You; good measure,pressed down, and shaken together and running over, shall Men (Women) give into Your bosom. For the same measure that You give withal that You have, the same measure that You shall Receive back unto You again.”

There are People that You are assigned to assist as there are People who are assigned to assist You. We must learn the purpose of the People that come into our lives, whether it’ a temporary or seasonal interaction or a long-term assignment that we must assist them in fulfilling or that they are to assist Us towards completion. We must learn grace, meekness, temperance, kindness and forgiveness towards others, despite the vulnerabilities and pain that are inevitable from interacting with another human being with frailties, insecurities,fears and lack of experience or wisdom in certain situations we might find ourselves involved in or connected to with them. Productivity in what You came accomplish and perform on your own is Never an option, yet neither is the eventual need or interaction with People.

In This New Year 2011, (that I believe will be ‘The Year of Stability,Family,Abundance,Growth and the Manifestation of long-desired Visions’), I believe that it is imperative to perfect and bring out the best in You, so that Your Energy will summons, command and bring to You, ‘The People’ that are of the highest caliber and skill level, to assist You in releasing and Communicating To Your Greatness!(tm) 

Please remain connected with Us all Year 2011 as we have so many wonderful initiatives, product releases,events and ways to support and be of assistance to You, Your Corporation, or Organization. Let us know your experiences and thoughts with ‘People’.  Please visit our Website and Join Our Newsletter: , Purchase our Book or Audio CD: “Communicate With Power In Life,Love and Business To Access Your Greatness!”  send us an email at:, or book an Individual Consulting/Executive Coaching Session or keep us in mind for Your Next Event where you need a Keynote Speaker or Leadership Trainer in Communications, Diversity,Conflict Resolution, Women’s or Teen Issues or Empowerment. QA Enterprises,LLC and Abigail Moats,The Communication Expert, want to be here for You! Please remain in touch with Us and come back to ‘Our Corner Soon’!

 Blessings and Continued Success and a Most Prosperous and Amazing 2011 to You and The People To Whom You Are Connected Towards Your Greatness!!


The Communication Expert

Read more…

*Making Choices That Lead To Daily Victories….STOP Being Afraid Of YOUR Success!

As I Train Leaders, Consult, Develop, Mentor, Inform And EmPower Others In My Business, QA Enterprises,LLC, Most People I Come Across Are So Afraid To Not Only ‘Begin’ Towards Their Success In Life, They Are Also Afraid To ‘Continue’ To Completion or accessing “IT”. What I’ve Discovered Is That Most People Are Actually ‘Afraid Of Their OWN SUCCESS’?!?

I Find That If People Don’t Experience A Significant Number Of Successes Within A Certain Timeframe In Their Lives To Combat The ‘Inevitables Of Life’, That They Become Expectant Of ‘Only Negatives’ and Forget Or Are ‘UnConscious’ Of When They Are Actually Having Success! There Is Something To Be Said Of ‘Rewarding or Celebrating YOURSELF’….YOU Must Never Only ‘Wait’ For SomeOne Else To ‘Tell You’ You Did A Great Job.

 Sure, It’s Great To Be Rewarded,Recognized and ReSpected By Others, But, What If “Those People” You’ve Deemed As The Ones Whose ‘Words or Thoughts’ Have All The Value About ‘You’ Or Another Situation, Decide That ‘They’ Never Want To Acknowledge ‘You’, Due To Their Either ‘Sheer Lack Of Awareness’ Of Your Efforts,Contributions,Faithfulness,Accessibility, Because They’ve Just ‘Gotten Accustomed To You’; OR, Their Own InSecurities and ‘Fears’ Dominate Them And ‘They Think’, That If They Acknowledge YOU,That That Acknowledgement Of YOU, Takes Away For ‘Them’? So, YOU Remain Patient,Timid,disheveled, Disappointed, Insecure and Frustrated, Hoping, Waiting,Praying, Taking ‘Anxiety Meds’, Biting Your Nails, Cursing, Smoking Or Drinking Too Much, Because ‘One Day In The By & By’….That “They” Will Have A ‘Change Of Heart or Consciousness’???

While I Am Not Suggesting To Start A ‘narcissistic YOU FEST’, { I Do Believe In Scriptures That Tell’s Us To ‘Wait Until Your ‘Season’}, I Am Stating, That On ‘Your Own’, Without The Need Of Another’s ‘Permission, Approval Or Acceptance’ Of YOU, That YOU, Can and Should Celebrate YOU, DAILY.

I’ve Created An Acronym For The Word “D-A-I-L-Y“: D-(eliberately)-A(Acknowledge)-I(ntentions)-L(ed By)-Y(ourSelf)! So, If YOU Practice “D-A-I-L-Y” In Your Life, Things That Matter To You & Accomplish And Complete That Task Or Area Of Interest Or Passion Of Yours, You’ve Had A ‘VICTORY’ For That Day And ‘IT’ Is Worthy Of Celebration,Acknowledgement, A Pat On ‘Your Own Back’, A ‘Dance Or A Jig’ In ‘Your Mirror’, A ‘High-Five’, A ‘You GO GIRL or BOY’, An Ice-Cream Cone, Your Favorite Activity Or Just A Silent Moment Of Gratitude.

YOU Deserve To Acknowledge YOUR Abilities To Make Choices That Lead To ‘D-A-I-L-Y’ Victories and STOP Waiting……………………………………………………………………For ‘SomeOne Else?’ To Acknowledge YOU & To Realize That YOU, Create SUCCESS EveryDay, Your Way, Using YOUR LIFE!  Keep Winning,Each Victory Gets Sweeter & Allows YOU To Challenge YourSelf and Grow,Developing Your Skills, Sharpening Your Abilities and Allows YOU To GO To New Heights & Depths, You’ve Never Taken YOURSelf Before. Begin TODAY, Why? Because This Is ‘The Only Moment’ YOU Own Right Now, LIVE IT!

Love,Blessings,Success & Peace On Your Daily Journey. Until ‘The Next Conversation’……

Abigail,The Communication Expert-Called To “Help YOU And Your Organizations “Communicate To Greatness”!(TM)

Leadership & Sales Trainer, Marketing Strategist,Professional Speaker, Author,Consultant, Human Developer, Lover Of People, Believer Of God. *If YOU Or Your Organizations Are In Need Of The Services Mentioned, Please Go To: Or Email Us:

*Be Sure To ‘Sign Up For My Newsletter’ We Have A Lot Of ‘Good Things’ Coming Your Way. Thanks 4 ‘Stopping By My Corner’!

*TODAY!Begin The Necessary Things You’ve Been Avoiding.

Good Day To YOU,WelCome To My ‘Other New Location’ Supporter,Friend or Curious:}:

There Is ‘Never A Time Like The Present’, Because ‘This’ Is The Moment You’ve Been Given.  We All Love To ‘Plan’, But Most People Just Use That Title To ‘procrastinate’ From The Things That Need YOUR ATTENTION NOW. The Business Idea That Needs ‘Some Legs’=Writing Down; That Opportunity You Were Extended By That Gracious Individual To ‘Sit-Down’ & Discuss Your Vision More, Needs A ‘Call-Back’. That ‘Other Book’ That Needs ‘A Few More Chapters’ (Okay, I Had To ‘Include  MySelf’ At Some Point); That Call To Begin Searching For An Assistant So That YOU Are No Longer OverWhelmed w. Every-Thing; That ‘HeartFelt’ (Gingerly)  ConVersation That You’re Afraid To Have w.Your Co-Worker,Upper-Level Manager,Spouse or Loved One; And Any ‘Other’s’ That YOU Or WE Have Been ‘Avoiding’, Needs To Be Done,Moved Upon,Receive YOUR Energy,Attention,Deliberation & Focus ToDAY!

Your PROGress May Amaze You,Your Completion Of The ‘Set Task’ Could Even Liberate YOU To ‘New’, (Previously UnSeen From YOURSelf), Heights Of Accomplishment,Satisfaction, Make You Realize ‘Just How Amazing YOU Really Are’ and YOU May Even FINISH What YOU Begin!…..Wow,That’s A ‘Novel Idea’, Since Most EveryOne Likes To ‘Plan’ As Mostly A ‘Cover’ For That BIG WORD—–PRO-CrasT-iNation. Let’s Start Being ‘A Nation’ That Stops ‘Crassting’ And Begin To Become “PRO’s” In Actualizing & Utilizing Our Talents And Giftings! GO FOR IT TODAY!

Thanks For Stopping By ‘My Corner’,Please ‘Comment’ & Visit Me Often & Check On My ‘PROGress’ and *Please Let Me Know What Things ‘YOU’ Are Committed To Not Only Finishing, But No Longer Avoiding!

*Remember I Can HELP YOU,If You Need Help Leadership or Sales Training,Business Developement and Branding, Communication Consulting,A Professional Speaker For Your Next Business Event,Organization’s or Church’s Special Conference Or Women’s & Teens Group. Consider “The Communication Expert”,Abigail.

Go To: For “Bookings”,Join Our ‘Mailing List’, Purchase ‘Our Book’ and Please,Leave A Comment Below About Any ‘Topics’ You May Want Me To Discuss In Depth. ***Also, Our “Communication Series” Begins Soon, Please Stay Tuned For ‘More Announcements’ This Week!

**EveryThing Begins & Ends w. A “ConVerSation”,ConVerse 1st w/Abigail, “The Communication Expert”!


Abigail,”The Communication Expert”

“Hello World!”, Welcome To “The Communication Expert’s Corner”-Please ‘Settle In’ w/ Me:}

It Took Some Time For ‘Me’,The Communication Expert, To Decide Upon “This Blog’s” Inception. Yet, It Felt Inevitable, Necessary, A Bit OverPowering At Moments, But Most Of All, Just ‘Right’….”Right” To Let YOU In.Who Are “YOU”??….”YOU” Are: My New Potential Friends, Supporters,Critics and Critical, Curious and Courageous, Cunning and Crafty, Yet Most Important To ME, Is That YOU,Want To COMMUNE-NI-Cate.

 “YOU” Want To Be Heard,Seen,Felt,Understood,Touched,Impacted,Moved To Change,Moved Thru Change and Possess The Amazing Capability and Somewhat ‘Magical,Whimsical,Influential Power’ To Make Others Move And Change Into Our Deepest Fantasies,Thoughts,Desires,Hopes and Dreams,Powerful Enough To OverPower Our Deepest Fears,Nightmares and Catastrophes.
We Hope That YOU Will Follow Us,COMMUNE-NI-CATE With Us, Share Your PerSpectives,Opinions and Suggestions. WE Are Going GLOBAL & To “The TOP” Of Our GOD-Given,LimitLess Heights,Depths and Dimensions. Welcome,YOU Are Welcomed HERE, In MY “CORNER”,THE COMMUNICATION EXPERT’s CORNER, Kick Off ‘Your Shoes’,Grab Some ‘Herbal Tea’, & Let’s DisH!:}

Until The ‘Next Conversation’,Love,Peace,Abundance and Joy!
Abigail,The Communication Expert

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